Passive infrared sensors (PIR) gathers data on the usage of desks, focus rooms or phone booths.
How it works
Triggered by motion, heat and time a space is occupied
GDPR compliant - gathers anonymous data
Data is transmitted to Gateways via LoRaWan
Does not touch your IT infrastructure
Provides accurate and reliable data
Data is made accessible on our powerful analytics platform
Connect with us for more
Let us help you manage space requirements efficiently with workplace utilisation analytics.
Counter sensors
Counter sensors lets you understand the footfall of free flowing areas, meeting rooms, open spaces or collaboration areas.
How it works
Triggered by object recognition to provide insights on how often workspaces are used and by how many people
Captures data on a number of people going in any direction
Measures the field of focus and covers a wide area
GDPR compliant - gathers anonymous data
Data is transmitted to Gateways via LoRaWan
Does not touch your IT infrastructure
Data is made accessible on our powerful analytics platform
Indoor air quality sensors
Research has indicated the link between poor air quality and the transmission of viruses. Keeping an eye on indoor air quality is becoming highly critical.
How it works
Gathers Temperature, CO2, Humidity and Noise levels
GDPR compliant - gathers anonymous data
Data is transmitted to Gateways via LoRaWan
Does not touch your IT infrastructure
Allows you to balance air flow as occupancy rises
Let's you optimise HVAC systems
Data is made accessible on our powerful analytics platform
Accelerate your workplace transformation
Our powerful analytics engine works seamless behind the scenes to make it easy for you to gather and digest data.
Get automated reporting
Understand how much space you really need
Access data on demand, anywhere, anytime
User friendly interface
Enables you to identify space optimisation opportunities
Powerful integrations
Helps you improve operational, cost and resource efficiencies
Makes it easy for you make strategic change decisions
Request a demo
Explore how our solutions can solve space management challenges and help you make data driven decisions in your real estate and workplace strategy.